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Support Families in Ukraine!

Written by Sonya Miller


Posted on March 28 2022

My heart is so heavy for all of Ukraine right now. I want to do something to help, I know we all do. There are a lot of foundations out there and fundraisers going on but it is difficult to know where the money is going and exactly how much of it is making it to the people who need it. 

I know the hosts of this fundraiser and they are personally giving 100% of the profits directly to families in need. Please consider purchasing a mug (or a few) and supporting displaced people who are really in need of your support. The mugs are start at only $15.95

You may also make a contribution on this website if you desire, as well, without purchasing a mug.


Here is an except from the website...

"On February 24th, 2022, Ukrainian people’s existence had changed overnight from living their happy ordinary lives to a life of total bloody misery and devastation. Over three million refugees have fled their country due to losing their homes after bombardments or because of fear of losing their lives. This number rises every day. There are still over 40 million Ukrainians, who don’t have a safe way to leave their homes, and some of them just love their country so much that they will stay on their land until the end, no matter what. These people need our help to survive this war today.

Normal life had stopped in Ukraine. Thousands of apartment buildings, manufactures, stores, and hundreds of schools were completely destroyed. Millions of people don’t have an opportunity to go to work and they are not getting paid, as they are being bombed every minute. Some of the grocery stores are still functioning, but Ukrainian people run out of money to even buy their food. Our mission is to help at least one family to buy their meal, to purchase medicine, to fix the broken windows, to get some gas and drive to a safer place. More importantly to help innocent children, who are listening and seeing the explosions every day, while staying in the cold basements, or apartments that were cut off of heat and even water. We are lucky to live in a safe country, and we are blessed to be able to do something to help. This mission is important to us, as we personally have multiple friends, whose Ukrainian families are now in need, and we know not from TV how bad the situation really is in Ukraine. Today, every effort of help counts. We're dedicating all products on this page for individual help in Ukraine. A 100% of profit from every sale will go to Ukrainian people. Together, we can make a difference for one or two people, or hundreds of families in Ukraine. Please select our products from this page and make a difference in this world today. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any help.❤️"

What can you give up for a few days to purchase a couple cups to help some families in need? Let's help!!!!!

Thank you everyone!

Loves- Sonya

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